From the number of implementations that I've done I believe sharing to be greatly underutilized. Part of the reason is that it is rather clicky in order to set up someone with the rights to see a record. It's hidden in the "More Actions" menu and then you can share with a user or a team. Teams help to facilitate mass sharing but still, most users and typical CRM administrators don't even know that teams exist.
Most implementations just open things up at the business unit level, or even the global level (depending on the size of the company) and don't even worry about sharing. However, there are times when certain information can be sensitive and necessary to restrict access to. Typically these things can be activities, opportunities, cases, services billed, hours worked, etc.
For instance, suppose sales reps aren't allowed to see support cases but are allowed to see the accounts that they manage. Any good account manager would want to know what support issues their account has been having before engaging on a new business proposal, so obviously the sales rep should get to see the cases related to the account.
All that is required is a couple of plugins at two main points and upon creation of a case and reassignment of an account. Whenever a case is created, get the account manager of the account on the case and share the case with that user. If the account gets reassigned, remove the share from the old account manager and add rights to the new account manager. Now with simple logic you can make data more accessible to those who should see the data without them having to do anything more than their regular job.
One side note, be aware that the more items there are under a parent record the longer the reassignments of records will take. For instance, if I reassign an account with 50 cases that's going to take a lot longer to complete the reassignment than it would if there were 5 cases, or even none. Just keep that in mind as you develop your sharing solution.
Pretty simple, and the SDK has some great examples on how to do this. Look up "AccessRights Enumeration", "GrantAccess Message", and "RevokeAccess Message" in the SDK and you should have everything you need.
Here's a quick example on how to share and give all rights to a user:
SecurityPrincipal principal = new
principal.Type = SecurityPrincipalType.User;
principal.PrincipalId = new
PrincipalAccess access = new
access.Principal = principal;
access.AccessMask = AccessRights.ReadAccess;
TargetOwnedDynamic target = new
target.EntityId = new
target.EntityName = "incident";
GrantAccessRequest readGrant = new
readGrant.PrincipalAccess = access;
readGrant.Target = target;
GrantAccessResponse readGranted = (GrantAccessResponse)crmService.Execute(readGrant);
access.AccessMask = AccessRights.WriteAccess;
readGrant.PrincipalAccess = access;
GrantAccessResponse writeGranted = (GrantAccessResponse)crmService.Execute(readGrant);
access.AccessMask = AccessRights.AppendAccess;
readGrant.PrincipalAccess = access;
GrantAccessResponse appendGranted = (GrantAccessResponse)crmService.Execute(readGrant);
access.AccessMask = AccessRights.AppendToAccess;
readGrant.PrincipalAccess = access;
GrantAccessResponse appendToGranted = (GrantAccessResponse)crmService.Execute(readGrant);
access.AccessMask = AccessRights.AssignAccess;
readGrant.PrincipalAccess = access;
GrantAccessResponse assignGranted = (GrantAccessResponse)crmService.Execute(readGrant);
access.AccessMask = AccessRights.DeleteAccess;
readGrant.PrincipalAccess = access;
GrantAccessResponse deleteGranted = (GrantAccessResponse)crmService.Execute(readGrant);
And here is an example on how to revoke access:
SecurityPrincipal principal = new
principal.Type = SecurityPrincipalType.User;
principal.PrincipalId = new
PrincipalAccess access = new
access.Principal = principal;
access.AccessMask = AccessRights.ReadAccess;
TargetOwnedDynamic target = new
target.EntityId = new
target.EntityName = "incident";
GrantAccessRequest readGrant = new
readGrant.PrincipalAccess = access;
readGrant.Target = target;
GrantAccessResponse readGranted = (GrantAccessResponse)crmService.Execute(readGrant);
Happy sharing!
David Fronk
Dynamic Methods Inc.
Thank you for Sharing! I like it and think it is really underutilized.
Do you have any ressources on deleting shares or taking them away from a user when some organisational matters change?
Thank you for any hint
The SDK has methods on RevokeAccess. I've used that and it works well. Look into that in the SDK and you should be all set.
David Fronk
Dynamic Methods Inc.
may you know how can i use this code with jscript?
thanks yiannis
First, thanks for your useful post
May you know how we can run this code in jscript?
Yiannis T.
I have not implemented this code via Jscript, but in order to make it work you'd have to figure out all of the FetchXML calls to make it work. Personally, I think it's a lot of work when you can make it work via plugin in a much cleaner fashion. Theoretically it's possible, I just haven't every done it.
David Fronk
Dynamic Methods Inc.
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