Rollup 2 is now available for download and deployment from Microsoft's website:
Here are all of the details about what is included in the rollup:
Considering Rollup 1 came out not too long ago, there are a decent number of fixes included in this rollup. We've installed inhouse and things look great. There was a report of not being able to publish workflow after installing the update but we haven't seen any issues with any of the deployments that we have applied the rollup to.
There are a couple things of note with this rollup to be aware of:
1. This rollup can be unistalled
2. Rollup 1 is not a prequisite (it doesn't have to be installed be, nor will it be installed when Rollup 2 is installed)
3. There is a different rollup download for each language, so look out for that
4. The client rollup can be installed before the server
Other than that, just have at. It's pretty quick and doesn't always require a reboot, but be ready for one just in case.
David Fronk
Dynamic Methods Inc.
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